Jean-Baptiste FONLUPT

Current programs

Bach/Busoni, Rachmaninov

& Brahms (2025-2026)


Bach/Busoni: Chaconne

Rachmaninov: Préludes op.23

1. in F# min. 2. in B flat maj. 3. in D min. 4. in D maj.
5. in G min. 6. in E flat maj. 7. in C min. 8. in A flat maj.
9. in E flat min. 10. in G flat maj.


Brahms: Sonate op.5 no.3

Program details:

The program of this recital reveals how music is nourished by different universes. How music, a source of life and inspiration, takes us from one world to another through travel, quest or self-transformation; What binds works together, how links are woven between the arts, where creative aspirations come from and what composers express between the lines.

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Romantic Recital (2024-2025)


Schubert/Liszt: 3 Lieder
1. Der Müller und der Bach

2. Frühlingsglaube

3. Auf dem Wasser zu singen

Schumann: Fantasiestücke op.12


Chopin: Fantaisie op.49
Nocturnes op.27 no.1 et op.37 no.2
Andante Spianato e Grande Polonaise Brillante op.22

Program details:

Open to the beauty of the world, curious about all modes of artistic expression, Franz Liszt devoted a true cult to the melodies of Schubert, of which he transcribed more than fifty for solo piano. The contemplative world of "Müller und der Bach", the love lament of a resigned man, is the starting point for this recital, which explores the crossroads between music and literature.

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Operas & Ballets (2023-2024) 

The most famous operas adn ballets... a single piano!



Verdi/Liszt: Paraphrase from Ernani

Verdi/Liszt: Danza sacra e duetto finale from Aïda

Wagner/Liszt: Elsa's Bridal (from Lohengrin)

Wagner/Liszt: Tannhäuser Overture


Stravinsky: Three movements from Petrushka
Romeo & Juliet op.75 no.10 "Before Parting"
La Valse

Program details:

Franz Liszt's piano paraphrases of Verdi's operas, free fantasies mixing different themes, as well as the transcriptions of Wagner's operas, scrupulously faithful to the composer's texts, are as many acts of love towards those he honored as towards the piano itself. Deploying a new art of writing, a true science of sounds and a transcendent virtuosity, Liszt gives us splendors worthy of the original works, transforming these lyrical and orchestral masterpieces into sublime concert pieces.

Against the backdrop of its decors, ballet offers itself up as a spectacle, arousing admiration and enchantment. In the early twentieth century, from the Palais Garnier to the Bolshoi, from the Châtelet to the Mariinsky, the shimmering colours of the orchestra were often combined with the innovative choreography of the Ballets Russes. directed by Serge de Diaghilev. Assigned to illustrious composers, some of these scores saw the birth of piano versions, by the composers themselves, who conceived them as true pianistic works: concert pieces written as such, thus going beyond simple ballet music.

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A few previous thematic programs...

For the Berlioz Festival

5 recitals on the 5 movements of Belioz's Symphonie Fantastique

Given the 20th, 21st, 22nd, 24th & 25th of August 2019 ea the Berlioz Festival

1) Rêveries - Passions
Autour des Ballades de Chopin
Chopin: Nocturne op.9 no.2

Chopin: Ballade no.1 op.23

Chopin: Nocturne op.27 no.1

Chopin: Ballade no.2 op.38

Chopin: Nocturne op.37 no.2

Chopin: Ballade no.3 op.47

Chopin: Nocturne op.55 no.2

Chopin: Ballade no.4 op. 52

2) Un bal 
Autour de la Valse de Ravel
Chopin: 3 Valses: op.34 no.1, op.70 no.2, op.34 no.3

Chopin: 4 Mazurkas: op.30 no.1, op.6 no.2, op.24 no.2, op.63 no.1
Chopin: Andante Spianato e Grande Polonaise Brillante op.22

Ravel: Sonatine

Ravel: Pavane pour une infante défunte

Ravel: La Valse

3) Scène aux champs
Autour de la Vallée d’Obermann de Liszt
Schumann: Fantasiestücke op.12

Schubert-Liszt: der Müller und der Bach, Frühlingsglaube, Auf dem Wasser zu singen

Liszt: Vallée d’Obermann

4) Marche au supplice
Autour de la 2ème Ballade de Liszt
Chopin: Nocturne op.48 no.1

Chopin: Fantaisie op.49

Liszt: Recueillement et Ave Maria

Liszt: Funérailles

Liszt: Ballade no.2

5) Songe d’une nuit de Sabbat
Autour de la Sonate de Liszt
Schumann: Fantaisie op.17

Liszt: Sonate


Récital Schubert
Given at the Folle Journée in Nantes the 30th of January 2022

Schubert: Sonate en la mineur D.537
5 Lieder (Der Muller und der Bach, Frühlingsglaube, Auf dem Wasser zu singen, Aufenthalt, Gretchen am Spinnrade)
Marche Militaire D.733 no.1


Recital "Correspondances"

Recorded the 23rd of March 2019 at the Théâtre Dullin in Chambéry

Chopin: Ballade op.38 no.2, dedicated to Schumann

Schumann: Fantaisie op.17, dedicated to Liszt

Liszt: Sonate, dedicated to Schumann

BIS: Chopin, étude op.10 no.6, dedicated to Liszt


Recital part of a Beethoven's integrale

Given in Arradon the 11 th of January 2020

Beethoven: Sonate no. 28 op.101

Beethoven: Sonate no. 21 op.53 « Waldstein »

Beethoven: Sonate op.106 « Hammerklavier »

On an overgrown path

On an overgrown path is the name of a cycle of pieces by Janaceck of Moldovan inspiration composed at the very beginning of the 20th century. Yet it seems that it is not a walk but an inner journey around the grief caused by the death of his daughter. And the path on which Jean-Baptiste Fonlupt takes us runs towards the East.

Given at the Festival de Chaillol the 19th of July 2019

Ester Mägi: Kolm merepilti, no.1 (Images de la mer no.1)

Leoš Janáček: Po zarostlém chodníčku (Sur un sentier recouvert)
no.1: Naše večery - Nos soirées
no.2: Lístek odvanutý - Une feuille emportée
no.5: Štěbetaly jak laštovičky - Elles bavardaient en hirondelle
no.10: Sýček neodletěl! - La chevêche ne s’est pas envolée!

Ernő Dohnányi: Canzonetta et Cascades op.41 no.3 et no.4

Sergueï Bortkiewicz: Esquisse de Crimée op.8 no.1: Les Rochers d'Outche-Coche

Komitas: Danses no.4 (Shushiki, danse de Vagharshapat) et no.5 (Et-Arach: danse de Erzurum)
Aram Khatchaturian: Berceuse, extrait du ballet Gayaneh

De Moscou à Vladivostok:
Florentine Mulsant: 11 Préludes op.78 (2018), création
(Mémoires russes: le train transsibérien 1. Moscou, 2. Moscou, 3. Kazan, 4. Dans le train, 5. Yekaterinburg, 6. Dans le train, 7. Novosibirsk, 8. Irkutsk, 9. Lac Baïkal, 10. Ulaan-Batar, 11. Vladivostok)

Anatoli Lyadov: Barcarolle
Anton Arensky: Nocturne op.36 no.3
Sergueï Rachmaninov: Mélodie op.14 no.8 « O ne grusti »
The 3 pieces will be played without interruption

Mili Balakirev: Islamey


Piano recital:  Liszt tribute to Berlioz (1803-1869)

Given the 11th of My 2019 at the Colmar Festival

Liszt: l’idée fixe (sur le thème « l’idée fixe » de la Symphonie Fantastique)
Bénédiction et Serment (Benvenuto Cellini)
Ave Maria
Ballet des Sylphes (Damnation de Faust)
Ronde des Lutins
Symphonie Fantastique: II Un bal
Vision (étude transcendante no.6)
Symphonie Fantastique: IV Marche au Supplice (1ère partie de la Vision) et V Songe d’une Nuit de Sabbat (2ème partie de la Vision)

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